Good Morning! Be encouraged today, you are more than enough!
Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings, ~ Psalm 17:8
Resist the voice that says you are not good enough, instead believe what God’s word says. You are the apple of God’s eye. You are God’s glory on this earth. Despite our shortcomings, we are unconditionally loved by God. God’s love is everlasting. We are wonderfully and fearfully made in God’s image. You are more than enough in God’s eyes and is worthy of all the blessings and promises for He chose us in Him before the foundation of this world.
Morning Prayer: Father God, we are so blessed to be surrounded each day with your unconditional and unfailing love. Because of your son, Jesus Christ, we thank you that we have become the apple of God’s eye that protects and strengthens us day by day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.