Good Morning! Be encouraged today, change your perspective!
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.” Isaiah 55:8 NIV
Our perspective — the way we interpret what’s happening around us — can make or break us in any given situation. Our perspectives shape us, how we think, how we engage with people, how we action in our every day. Our decisions and how we live our lives are based on how we see and view things. When faced with challenges, try looking at the problem with a different angle. Learn to see things with God’s eyes and see His point of view. When we look up with God, and down on our problems, we gain a better perspective. God sees the whole picture. While the problem or situation can look larger than life, it’s really small or nonexistent in God’s eyes.
Morning Prayer: Lord God, we thank you for the ability to see through our natural eyes. Heavenly Father, transform our ability to see. Sharpen and enlarge our vision, enabling us to see through Your spiritual lenses in Jesus’ name. Amen.