Good Morning! Be encouraged today, the Lord fights for you.
"For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory." Deut. 20:4
Whether we recognize it or not, we face an enemy here in this life. It's more than what we can see before us. It's more than another person who we think has wronged us. It's more than our own struggles and weaknesses we deal with, or the negative self-talk we sometimes battle. The enemy is real. He will stop at nothing to bring us destruction and defeat. The enemy hates Truth. So if we're living by it, standing on it, seeking after it, we will be targeted. But here's the powerful hope that keeps us strong: God is greater than whatever we face here in this world, and He fights for us still today! Stop trying to fight in your own strength and allow the Spirit of the Lord to fight your battles. Victory is already yours.
Morning Prayer: Father God, we thank you that you hold the victory over sin and death in this world. We thank you that you came to set the captives free. We thank you for your redemptive work you’ve done in our lives. We thank you for freedom and the hope you bring. Your word says to “stand our ground,” and that’s what we will do, in the power of your Name. The enemy has no control over us. We ask that you help us to remember to put on your armor daily, for you give us all that we need to stand strong and firm on this day. We love you Lord. We need you. We stand together in your great and powerful Name. Amen.