Good Morning! Be encouraged today, stop casting stones.
So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her..” ~ JOHN 8:7
None of us deserve grace, but God loved us even in our mess and saw us worthy to extend His grace. Therefore, we should extend the same grace by choosing to forgive others for their mistakes and shortcomings. If you find yourself casting stones at others when they make poor choices or mistakes, STOP. Unless you are living a perfect, sinless life then you have no right to condemn others. STOP THROWING STONES.
Morning Prayer: Father God, I thank you for loving an imperfect person like me. Only You are perfect and I pray that we stop throwing stones at people who don’t measure up to our superficial standards. Holy Spirit, convict our hearts when we begin to condemn, criticize, and hate those that sin. Give us a heart of compassion and grace. As we go about our day, help us to stop throwing stones at other people and instead focus on our own shortcomings. Help us to see and correct our own sin, instead of trying to correct the sin of others. Help us to extend grace by always speaking words to build each other up, not bring others down. In Jesus’ name. Amen.