Good Morning! Be encouraged today, let your petition be made known to God!
In everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God.”
Philippians 4:6.
Petition is defined as a “formal written request addressed to a sovereign superior for a particular right or grace.” Many of us need God to intervene in our lives whether it’s for healing, deliverance, salvation, guidance, or restoration. Stop trying to fix things in your own strength. Get in communication with the Holy Spirit, and let Him help you develop your petition to God in detail using the Word of God.
Morning Prayer: Lord God, thank you for being our peace. My prayer is that Your peace that surpasses all understanding shall flow and rest in every nation, country, region, state, and city. According to John 16:23, Jesus said You will grant whatever I ask in His name. In Mark 11:24, You said whatever I ask in prayer, believing I will receive it, will be given to me. Your word declares, Psalm 34:13-15, as we endeavor to strive for peace in all our interactions with enemies as well as friends that you will hear the cry of the righteousness. Almighty God, from whom all thoughts of truth and peace proceed, hear my cry this morning as I beseech you to kindle in the hearts of ALL men the true love of peace, and guide with Your pure and peaceable wisdom our leaders for the nations of the earth; that in tranquility Your kingdom may go forward, till the earth be filled with the knowledge of Your love, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.