Good Morning! Be encouraged today, keep a pure heart!
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. ~ Matthew 5:8
Others may not see your heart motives, but God does. Nothing is hidden from him. He reads our thoughts. He can see right through every pretense and every false motive. He sees right into our heart. We might lie to ourselves, but we can’t lie to God. Do you want to live a successful life? Then keep your heart pure and motives right by seeking the Lord daily with all your heart, mind, and, soul.
Morning Prayer: Lord God, thank you this morning for being a faithful, just, and loving God! Create in us a new heart and new spirit that longs to abide in your love and presence. Continue to pour your love into our hearts and occupy our minds, as we diligently seek after you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.