Good Morning! Be encouraged today, hope is still alive in Jesus Christ.
There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off. ~ Proverbs 23:18
In this world marred by inconvenience, disease, disappointment, persecution and even death, we hope all the time but are often disappointed. I hope I get an A on that test. I hope they hire me. I hope she says yes. I hope we can get a new car. I hope I get that job promotion. Our hopes don’t always come true. However, this is not the kind of hope we have in God. Our hope is everlasting and is a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Because Jesus lives, we live. Therefore our hope is very much alive in Jesus Christ.
Morning Prayer: Father God, we thank you this morning for your son Jesus who was crucified, died, and resurrected on the third day to save us and secure our hope forever in Him. So when our flesh finally succumbs to death, when our body ultimately fails us by whatever means and at whatever age, the living Jesus assures us our hope is very much alive in Him. Because Jesus lives our hope lives with HIM forever! In Jesus’ name. Amen.