Good Morning! Be encouraged today, walk in holiness!
“Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.” (Heb. 12:14)
Holiness is a subject that seems to have been lost in the shuffle. It has been forgotten in light of the fact that most people aren’t living holy lives and have, therefore, very little to say to others about holiness. God not only commands us to be holy, but He has provided for us a way to holiness through His son Jesus Christ and the precious gift of the Holy Ghost, which leaves us without excuse. We cannot blame our society or culture for our unholiness. As children of God, holiness should become part of our lifestyle. Yes, we are going to make mistakes. Yes, we are going to sin, but we should at least make a concerted effort everyday to hunger and thirst after righteousness so God can transform our hearts.
Morning Prayer: Father God, You deserve all the glory and honor and worship and love. Lord, I cling to You, for there is none like You in all the earth. Father, please cleanse me of anything displeasing to You. Help me to be Holy and righteous. Change my heart, fill me with kindness and compassion towards my brethren. Lord, today I hunger for Holiness. Fill me, Lord as I seek You and draw closer to You, each and everyday. In the Precious Name of Jesus I pray, Amen!