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Writer's picturemcoley2013

Come Out Of Hiding

Good Morning! Be encouraged today, it’s time to come out of hiding. 

“Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them?” declares the Lord. -Jeremiah 23:24

Don’t try to keep your pain a secret. Realize that God knows all about it, and loves you anyway. Be honest and vulnerable with God and express your deepest feelings about your painful experiences. Then, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal unto you who you can trust to share your pain and story,  asking them to pray for you, encourage you, and hold you accountable throughout your healing process.

Morning Prayer: Father God, I am ready now. I am ready to give you my words, my heart, my hands, my feet, my family, my life. I am ready for you to use me in a powerful, mighty way to serve you and to continue to learn your ways. I know I have hidden away words that could have brought others to your Kingdom’s saving grace. I know that I might have stayed quiet in the past out of fear of rejection, but you have not rejected me, Oh God. Instead of hiding from you, Lord, let me hide in you. You are my hiding place and my ever-present help in trouble. Thank you for bringing me to your truth. I love you. In Jesus’ matchless name, Amen.

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