Good Morning! Be encouraged today, but joy cometh!
“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." ~ Psalm 30:5
Have you ever had a night or season when you thought that the morning was never to come? Have you lost hope because you thought the problem would never end? Have you been so disappointed that you thought you were no longer on God’s agenda? Have you ever been in any situation that you envisioned could never improve? My brothers and sisters, I have good news for you. Though sorrow and tears may presently exist, your joy is around the corner!
Morning Prayer: Father God, thank you for your goodness, grace, and mercy. Father, let the joy of our morning come, in Jesus Name. Lord, have your way in our household and let your power bring joy to our life, in Jesus Name. Father, do not allow any agent of darkness to interfere with our joy, in Jesus Name. Lord, let our joy be full, in Jesus Name. Father, send your powerful angels into all areas of our life that your Name may be glorified, in Jesus Name. Lord, help us to keep our eyes fixated upon You, the hope of our salvation, and let the joy of the Lord come forth in our hearts in Jesus' matchless name. Amen.