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Writer's picturemcoley2013

Be Beautiful from the Inside Out!

Good Morning! Be encouraged today, be beautiful from the inside out! 

Do not let your adornment be merely outward - arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel —  rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. ~  1 Peter 3:3-4

Enhance your beauty from within the same way we do the outer beauty. Get up early to prep (instead of applying makeup, we apply prayer), look in the mirror to ensure the reflection is the one that we desire (do you truly reflect God’s image?) and refresh throughout the day as necessary (if it wears off, reapply—pray frequently). Physical beauty is only temporary as it will decay and grow old. Spiritual beauty never fades and is everlasting!

Morning Prayer: Lord God, thank you for the beauty of life. Continue to beautify us into your likeness and image. Let our divine beauty take on physical manifestation becoming radiant in ways people see the beauty of our hearts! In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

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